Standing Yoga Poses

Yoga poses are broadly classified into standing poses, sitting poses, and sleeping poses. Here we will study standing yoga poses and take a look at their general benefits.

Standing yoga poses comprise some of the most basic and some of the most advanced and complex poses in yoga. Some poses as basic as the mountain pose and triangle pose may seem unapparent in their benefits, but they are vital to improving balance and increasing hand and foot coordination. They also help the internal organs function more efficiently. Some poses like the warrior pose are hip openers and help strengthen the pectorals.

Some standing poses incorporate forward bends. These poses benefit the back, hips, buttocks, and the waist. They also maintain the spine elasticity and alignment. They improve blood supply to the brain and rejuvenate and refresh the entire body. These poses also improve digestive capability and thereby help combat ailments like flatulence and gas. They stretch the hamstrings and leg muscles and increase their flexibility. They help relieve stiffness, tiredness, and tension in the calves, hamstrings, and hind legs and are great for re-energizing the entire body. Some of the forward bending standing yoga poses are wide-legged forward bend pose (Prasarita Padottanasana), chair pose (Utkatasana), standing forward bend pose (Uttanasana), downward facing dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana), revolved side angle pose (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana), and  hands to feet pose (Pada Hastasana).

The standing poses that involve side stretch are associated with improved kidney, liver, and spleen function. They help in realigning the spinal chord and also improve lung capacity. Some of the poses that incorporate side stretching are standing side stretch pose and one of the versions of the warrior pose. Poses that involve bending backwards help uplift sagging breasts and are greatly recommended for aging women. These help expand chest cavity and help improve spine flexibility. Ushtrasana (camel pose) is one such pose.

The Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) is the most comprehensive of all yoga poses. Although classified as a standing pose, it is actually a twelve step sequence that incorporates forward bends, back stretching, and some of the standing poses like downward dog facing pose and head to feet pose. It stretches every part of the body and provides the benefits of most of the standing poses along with various other benefits.

A standing yoga pose can also be used to perform standing meditation. Meditating in a standing posture improves concentrations, balance and core body strength.

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