Dandasana or Yoga Staff Pose

What is Dandasana (Staff Pose)?

The Dandasana or Staff Pose is a basic sitting pose in yoga. Staff also refers to the spine which is central to the body’s strength. It is a basic pose, because many other advanced yoga poses use it as a preparatory or resting pose. It is a useful pose because it requires the spine to be completely vertical and thus strengthens the back muscles and improves the alignment of the body.

The Yoga Staff Pose is also a part of the sequences of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation).

The Chaturanga Dandasana is the Four-limbed Staff Pose. This is performed bending forward on the floor with the entire body weight resting on the four limbs – the two hands and the feet.

The Viparita Dandasana or Inverted Staff Pose is a sort of backward bend.

Step by step procedure: While it may look very simple, Dandasana or Staff Pose requires great concentration and muscle power to do it absolutely correctly.

  • Sit down on the floor with your legs stretched out straight in front.
  • Keep your spine absolutely straight and vertical. If you find it difficult in the beginning, you may take support of a wall. When you sit against the wall, your shoulders and sacrum should touch the wall. But take care that the back of your head does not touch the wall. Placing a pillow under your tail bone may also help.
  • Relax the shoulders and keep your arms at your sides on the floor.
  • Tense the muscles of your thighs and flex your feet. Press them down firmly on the floor or you might find that they have a tendency to rise up off the floor.
  • Hold your thighs slightly inward, and draw your groin toward your tail bone.
  • Look forward.
  • Make your torso and spine as long and stretched as you can.
  • Keep your tailbone firmly pressed on the floor. Imagine that energy is streaming up from it right through the spine and the sternum, and then streaming back again from the shoulders, spine and sternum to the tail bone. This will help to draw in energy.
  • The shoulders should be held straight and firm.
  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds or longer.
  • Release and repeat a few times.

Benefits: The Dandasana has many benefits.

  • It helps to strengthen the muscles of the back and is especially helpful for those with sciatica.
  • It stretches and strengthens the muscles of the chest and shoulders.
  • By strengthening the spine, it is very helpful in improving body posture and correcting body alignment.
  • It also helps to relieve problems and improve the functions of the organs in the abdomina region such as the digestive organs, the kidneys and the reproductive organs.
  • It has a calming effect on the brain and helps to create inner awareness.

Contraindications: Avoid the Dandasana (Staff Pose) if you suffer from a slipped disc or any other chronic back problems.

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