Home Remedies For Allergies And Asthma – Get Cured At Home

Causes Of Allergies And Asthma And Remedies

Asthma is a respiratory disorder which causes difficulty in breathing due to the inflammation of the bronchial tubes. When due to certain allergic reactions, the bronchial tubes get inflamed, the normal passage of air through the lungs is impeded, which causes attacks of breathlessness. Asthma is generally hereditary in nature, and is basically the defensive reaction of the body to certain foreign bodies or allergens to which it is hypersensitive.

There are a few precautionary measures that one can take to avoid allergic reactions that trigger an asthmatic attack. Tracking down the materials to which one is allergic is the primary step in treating this condition. You must keep away from natural sources of allergens such as manufactured foodstuff containing added preservatives and flavoring agents, milk and dairy products, citrus fruits, soybean, figs, carbonated and caffeinated drinks, as well as tobacco and nicotine based products. Also, avoid foods that cause the formation of phlegm, such as bananas, guavas, curds, lentils and rice. Keep away from air pollutants and smoke as well as pollen, as these are common irritants that can cause allergy. Include whole grains in your diet and consume vitamin E supplements, as these strengthen your natural immunity and prevent allergies. A popular home remedy to prevent asthmatic attacks is to soak 15-20 raisins in a cup of water overnight and eating the raisins, along with drinking the water they were soaked in, the next morning.

Another remedy is to boil the dried peel of a pomegranate and a few raisins in a cup of milk and drink this solution every day. For another remedy, make a mixture of honey, lemon juice and the juice of a radish, blended together in equal proportions, and heated over a low flame for a few minutes. Consume this decoction daily in the morning to prevent allergies and asthma. You should also drink a cup of hot ginger tea into which a few drops of garlic juice have been added, twice every day. Another popular remedy for allergic asthma is to boil a few cloves in a glass of water and add a tablespoon of honey to it. Drink this mixture thrice every day. You could also mix a teaspoon each of black pepper and ginger powder with a little molasses of honey and consume this mixture every day to treat allergic asthma. In addition, add a few drops of castor oil into a glass of natural unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice and drink this on an empty stomach every morning. This is an effective way of countering allergies that trigger asthma.

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