Remedies For Insomnia – How To Cure Slip Disorder With Home Treatment

Causes And Remedies For Insomnia

Sleep disorder is a very general term that includes a number of disorders related to the abnormal sleep patterns of an individual. Since no specific type of sleep disorder has been identified, we shall take a closer look at some of the more common ones. Probably the most well known sleeping disorder is insomnia. If a person suffers from insomnia, the person has great difficulty in falling off to sleep as well as in maintaining sleeping habits. Bruxism is when a person involuntarily starts grinding or clenching the teeth while sleeping. Narcolepsy is a disorder where a person will fall asleep spontaneously and at inappropriate times, always happening rather unintentionally. Parasomnias is a very common sleep disorder as well, although widely known by the name of <p “sleep walking”, a person may also suffer from night terrors in this disorder.

A number of factors can trigger sleep disorders. Chief amongst them is primarily a major or drastic change in ones lifestyle. This may be something simple like a change in the work shift or relocation to another country which has a reasonably large time difference than a person’s previous location. Other factors include sciatica, neck pain, anxiety, back pain, environmental noises and withdrawal syndromes most notably from addictions pertaining to alcohol and drug abuse.

Most home remedies pertain to specific types of sleep disorders. Here are a few of them:

  • In case you suffer from insomnia, grind four nutmegs into a fine powder and have this before going to sleep every night. You could also try extracting about 30 grams of milk from poppy seeds and mix the milk with an adequate amount of sugar. Drink this concoction every day just before sleeping. Regular exercise will also help considerably and will enhance the quantity as well as quality of your sleep.

  • If you suffer from bruxism, try chewing on an apple, carrot or cauliflower every night, just before going to sleep. The chewing will act as exercise for your mouth and gums and will calm the muscles in the mouth during your sleep. Another helpful technique in reducing bruxism is to sleep on your back as this would help reduce the likelihood of your teeth starting to clench during the night.

  • If sleep walking is what you suffer from, there aren’t really any home remedies that will work as a magic fix for the condition. Studies have shown that factors like stress can play a major role in triggering the condition.

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