Yoga Plank Pose

What is Yoga Plank Pose?

The Yoga Plank Pose is an arm balancing pose, which, by strengthening your arms and back, prepares you for more challenging and advanced balancing poses. It gets its name from the fact that the body is stretched out straight like a stiff plank.

The Yoga Plank Pose also forms one of the series of poses in the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation).

A variation of this is the Side Plank Yoga Pose.

Step by step procedure
: You can achieve the plank position in the following way.

  • The plank pose is started with the Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose.

  • Now, inhale and draw your upper torso forward, until your arms are in a perpendicular position to the floor, and shoulders are stacked directly above the wrists. (This position is similar to the one we take when we do push-ups).

  • Keep your forearms firm and slightly inward, while your fingers should be stretched out firmly on the floor, to take your weight. The shoulder blades and collar bones should be stretched outward and away from the spine and sternum, respectively.

  • Press back on the floor with your feet, which must be stretched out straight behind you.

  • Open up your chest.

  • Your neck should be straight and aligned with your spine. But do not lock your throat. Keep it soft, and look down toward the floor.

  • You can hold the pose for 30 seconds or more.

  • Release the pose, rest in Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog, and repeat a few times.

Benefits: The Plank benefits are many.

  • It is especially good for increasing strength in the upper body.

  • It strengthens and tones the muscles of the shoulders, wrists and arms, along with the spine and back. The triceps are especially benefited.

  • It also tones the muscles of the abdomen and makes them stronger.

  • Like many other yoga poses, the Plank Pose too aids in improving the function of the nervous system, because it needs discipline and concentration to perform it.

  • The Side Plank Pose has similar benefits.

Contraindications: You must however take the advice of a yoga and medical expert before starting any yoga pose. It is better for those with Carpal tunnel syndrome to avoid this pose, as it places weight on the wrists.

Tips for beginners
: If you find it difficult to do this pose, take the help of a yoga strap, by securing the loop around the arms. This will give added strength to your arm.

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