Swollen Ankles Causes – How To Treat Edema With Home Remedies

What Causes Swollen Ankles

Swollen ankles, feet and legs are caused due to the retention of fluid in the gaps between body cells. Medically known as edema, this condition is mostly caused by dietary imbalances such as excessive consumption of foods containing salt and carbohydrates. Regular intake of laxatives, anti-pregnancy pills and other forms of medicines that contain allergens are among the other causes of edema. Liver, heart and kidney ailments, malnutrition and anemia, menstrual cycles and pregnancy, general debility and weakness of nerves are other factors that cause edema.

There are a few basic lifestyle changes that can help treat swollen ankles. It is important that you move your ankles regularly in order to improve blood circulation and prevent the accumulation of fluid in the region. Light exercises such as walking and swimming may be useful in this regard. You could simply raise your leg straight up in the air and rotate your ankles in circular motions to reduce swelling. You should also massage the ankle in upward stokes in order to drain the accumulated fluid out of the tissues there toward the heart. It is also recommended that you stay away from very hot or very cold environments, as edema tends to exacerbate in extremes of temperature. A primary dietary measure to cure edema is to keep a check on the amount of salt you consume through food. You should also restrict your intake of carbohydrates, as they are high water content. Stay away from too many fruit juices and carbonated or alcoholic drinks. Eat foods that are rich in natural proteins and fats such as milk, eggs and lean meats. Besides these precautionary measures, following a few simple home remedies may reduce swelling of ankles. A simple way of treating edema is to warm a little mustard oil and massaging it gently on the ankles every night before going to bed. Alternatively, you could also soak two teaspoons of mustard seeds in a cup of water overnight and dab your ankles with this water the next morning. Local application of apple cider vinegar also helps absorb excess fluid from body tissues and relieve pain and swelling. Soaking your ankles in hot and cold water alternately at regular intervals and on a daily basis is also very useful in treating edema. For another remedy, use powdered flax seeds to flavor cooked food. You could also use cucumber or potato slices as poultices on the ankles if the condition is related to pregnancy.

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