Alternate Nostril Breathing - Anulom Vilom

Breathing techniques are one of the integral parts of Yoga. Known as pranayama, these breathing techniques help in cleansing the body, expanding lung capacity, and increasing strength and stamina.

In essence, pranayama means to draw life force from the surroundings and control it within the body - a control of the air you breathe. Anuloma Viloma is one such technique which allows you to master your breathing. This technique is used to clear the mind of anxiety, stress, and all kinds of negative thoughts and emotions. In effect, anulom vilom can help you clear your entire nervous system. The more often you practice this technique, the more relaxed and light you will feel.

Anulom vilom pranayam is also known as alternate nose breathing. There are many alternate nose breathing benefits, which can only be realized if the technique is performed consistently. To practice this alternate nose breathing technique, begin with sitting in a cross legged position. Make sure that your spine is completely erect. If you are able to seat yourself in the lotus pose, assume this posture since it is most beneficial.

Now assume the Gyan mudra by placing your left hand on the left knee with the palm facing upwards. Bring together the thumb and the tip of the index finger. Raise your right hand, bringing the right hand’s thumb to your nose. Close the right nostril with your thumb and breathe in deeply. Now hold your breath in for as long as you can. Then use your right ring finger to close the left nostril and breathe out. Keeping the left nostril closed, take another deep breath in. Once you have breathed as much air as you can, hold the air and using your right thumb, once again, close the right nostril, exhaling from the left nostril.

You can continue practicing this alternate nostril breathing technique for some time, till your breath comes in a gentle flow. Once you have breathed in and out from both the nostrils, you complete a full cycle. When you are just beginning, start with about five cycles a day. You can increase the count by one cycle a day. Ideally, twenty cycles a day will be extremely useful for you.

People who practice anuloma viloma regularly claim that within a time span of about three months, there are visible changes both in the body and overall energy levels. You will have improved metabolism and will feel more comfortable and relaxed.

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