Yoga Exercises and Poses for Seniors

As you grow old, you have more time for relaxation, leisure and recreation, as well as for yourself and your family. However, at this stage, as the body degenerates, you also become prone to ailments related to old age, such as high blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis or incontinence.

While it is necessary to stay fit and healthy, there are limits to the types of physical activities and exercises which can be done. Seniors are usually advised milder forms of exercises like walking. This is where yoga proves useful.

Benefits of Yoga exercises for seniors:

  • Since yoga exercises can be adapted to the abilities and needs of an individual, they are suitable for seniors, by taking into account their physical limitations. There are also some gentle yoga poses which are particularly suitable for seniors.

  • A few yoga postures are specially designed to increase circulation of blood, normalize blood pressure and prevent heart ailments. Thus they are suitable for seniors.

  • Seniors are especially susceptible to respiratory ailments. In such cases, yoga poses which are especially suited to cleanse the air passages, prove to be helpful since they help to prevent such ailments and also rejuvenate the body with a higher intake of oxygen.

  • Yoga strengthens the nervous system, makes the mind more calm and relaxed, and thus helps in preventing many emotional problems which are linked to old age. It also helps to inculcate a more positive approach to life.

Yoga poses for seniors:

  • Many seniors find it difficult to sit, squat or kneel on the floor. Certain chair yoga poses are especially suitable for such people. These poses can be performed while sitting comfortably on a chair. They can also be done while sitting at the office, or while traveling by airplane, train or bus.

  • Other yoga poses that can be performed by seniors include the Easy Yoga Pose (Sukhasana), Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukho Svanasana), Locust Pose (Salabhasana), Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana), Cat Pose (Bilasana), double leg raises, Wind Relieving Pose (pavanmuktasana) and Corpse Pose (Savasana).

  • Yoga breathing poses (Pranayama) such as the Victorious Breath (Sukha Pranayama),  Kapalbhati (Cleansing Breath), Bellows Breath (Bhastrika), Cooling Breath (Sheetali), Bee Breath (Bhramari) and Alternate Nostril Breath (Nadi Shodhan) are also beneficial since they increase intake of oxygen, improve blood circulation and tone up the respiratory and digestive system.


  • Just as with anyone who is starting yoga for the first time, it is important for seniors to start gradually. They should listen to the signals sent out by their body, and not stretch themselves beyond their limits.

  • If they feel pain or stress at any time while performing a pose, they should lessen the pose immediately or stop it altogether.

  • The yoga poses must be attempted only under expert guidance and after taking clearance from a medical expert. They should not attempt a pose if they have an injury or ailments of any internal organs.

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