Benefits of Padmasana or Lotus Pose

The Padmasana or Lotus Pose, as it is better known to the western world is one of the defining postures of yoga. This classic yoga posture has come to be representative of the mysticism and spirituality associated with the discipline of yoga and ancient India. This yoga pose is not just symbolic because of its significance for yoga as a way of life but also within the discipline because of its importance as a meditational pose, and as the source of variations like the ardha padmasana and baddha padmasana, which are again popular meditational postures.

Understanding Padmasana Yoga

The lotus pose or Padmasana is seated posture, in which you assume a cross-legged position, and its origins can be traced back to the meditative practices in ancient India. For this reason it remains shrouded in mysticism. The practitioner is seated cross-legged, with the feet resting on the opposing thighs. The position was likened to the appearance of a lotus, which is how it takes its name. It is not something mystical or magical, but is actually a sophisticated meditative practice that promotes proper breathing, and cultivates physical stability, both of which are essential for effective meditation.

Whether a beginner or advanced students, it is one of the most important yoga postures, and is recommended for meditation and for pranayama or breath exercises. Unfortunately, this pose may be quite challenging, as it requires a great deal of flexibility in the legs. It may therefore take you some time to get comfortable in the pose, as your ligaments get extended. There is no need to make haste or get disillusioned with failure. Progress can be as slow as necessary, as proficiency is developed over time.

Lotus Pose or Padmasana Benefits

As the back is held completely straight and the spine is in its natural curvature, the pose is excellent for meditation, since it makes you completely alert and stress free. While it makes it easy for you to sit in meditation for a long time, it ensures that you do not doze of in the midst of meditation. It is also an excellent posture for the practice of pranayama or breath control.

The Padmasana or lotus pose is also great for the abdomen, spine, bladder, and pelvis. This is because the pose acts as a massage for the nerves in the lower portions of your body, and improves the blood flow, thereby toning the muscles. For this reason it is also often regarded as therapeutic for sciatica. This very same action also helps improve flexibility in the ankles and knees.

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