Treatment Of Hepatitis – Do’s And Don’t While Hepatitis Infection

Speed Up Hepatitis Treatment With Friendly Nutrition

Hepatitis is viral infection that may seriously hamper the normal functioning of the liver and might even cause liver failure if it is not treated properly. Though proper medication is absolutely indispensable in the treatment of this disease, a few dietary and lifestyle changes can help prevent and speed up the recovery from this ailment:

  • First and foremost, stop consuming alcohol completely, as this is one of the primary culprits in damaging the liver and impeding its normal functions in the long run.
  • Cut down on your intake of fats and oil and cholesterol-rich food products such as red meat, clarified butter, manufactured and artificially flavored snacks, as these are difficult to digest and may cause damage to the liver. Use light vegetable and rice oils for cooking which are rich in MCTs, or medium chain triglycerides, as they are more easily consumed by the intestinal tract and create less pressure on the liver.
  • Include natural sources of complex carbohydrates in your diet, such as whole wheat and other grains, and stay away from refined flour, artificially sweetened foods and beverages and junk food. This helps your body regain the energy it loses while suffering from hepatitis.
  • Excessive consumption of proteins is known to create undue pressure on the liver, so regulate your intake of legumes, milk and other dairy products. Including sources of lean proteins like skimmed milk and yoghurt in your diet is recommended.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and raw vegetable-based salads, as well as soups which are easy to digest. These help replenish essential vitamins and minerals to the body without adding to the level of fat or protein in the body. Also, eat small meals at regular intervals so that the liver is never put under too much pressure.
  • Use garlic in your cooking, as this acts as a natural antiviral agent and detoxifies the body.
  • Avoid medicines that contain the chemical acetaminophen, or consult your doctor if you must consume them, as this chemical is known to harm the liver over time.
  • Exercising regularly is necessary to keep all your body organs, including the liver, in good health. Do some form of light exercise such as walking briskly or swimming on a daily basis in order to ensure proper blood circulation to the liver. A daily regime of exercising also ensures sound sleep, which is essential for the proper functioning of the liver.

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