White Spots On Nail – Nail Care Tips To Remove Fingernail Spots

What Causes White Spots On Your Nail

White spots on the nails (this condition is medically known as leukonychia) can happen due to several reasons. One of the most common causes is some sort of injury or trauma – for example, biting the nails, getting the nails hit by a heavy weight, or the nails being hit by a slammed door. Fungal infection, nutritional deficiency, and genetic condition are some other prominent causes for making white spots appear on the nails.

White spots that appear on your nails due to some minor trauma do not last long. These spots usually go away on their own in about 8-10 weeks, which is the time needed to grow the complete length of the nails. Such cases do not need any proper medical treatment. If, however, you repeatedly keep finding newer white spots on your nails, you may need to consult a doctor and get a proper diagnosis.

Some Nail Care Tips

Here are some preventive steps that you should follow to keep your nails free of white spots.

  • Take care of your nails: Maintain proper hygiene and do not let dirt or dust settle inside your nails. Wear gloves to protect your nails when you are doing washing, cleaning, or gardening. Also, be gentle to your nails so that they are not damaged with manual labor. Each night, before going to sleep, you should moisturize your hands and nails appropriately.

  • Avoid harsh cosmetics: Some nail care cosmetics, like artificial nail hardeners and enamels, may contain chemicals that may be unsuitable for your nails. If you happen to notice an adverse effect on your nails due to the use of any nail beauty products, you should stop using it immediately.

  • Proper manicure: Be careful not to exert too much pressure while doing a manicure. Also, you should be careful in choosing a salon; getting a manicure done at an unhygienic place may give you an infection, leading to white spots on your nails.

  • Take care of your diet: It is important to follow regular healthy eating habits to prevent white nail spots. You should be eating a diet rich in zinc and calcium because a deficiency of them can lead to such spots. Ensure that you eat fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes, and dairy products. If your dietary sources of zinc and calcium do not prove to be sufficient, you can also take special medical supplements. Besides the food, you should also drink sufficient amount of water throughout the day.

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