Yoga for scoliosis

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis occurs when the spine is laterally bent in an S or C shape. Although it is normally not considered to be a very serious condition, in some cases it can cause damage to vital parts of the body such as the lungs, chest, heart, pelvis, and spine. Scoliosis may also result in back pain, stomach pain, or pain in the limbs. It may also cause a restriction in breathing.

Yoga for scoliosis

Yoga is one of the best exercises for scoliosis. This ancient therapeutic method uses several deep stretching techniques to correct any imbalances in the alignment of the body. These stretching techniques, or Asanas, are very effective in the treatment of this condition. Let us take a look at some of the yoga asanas that can be sued as scoliosis exercises.


The Marichyasana, or Sage twist, is one of the best exercises for scoliosis. This unique exercise offers a deep stretch to the spine.  To perform this Asana, sit down on the floor or yoga mat with your legs stretched straight out in front of you. Bend your left knee. Bring your left arm around the inside of your inner left thigh and attempt to hold your outer left ankle. At the same time inhale and turn your torso and head as far to the right as you can. Your right hand should be stretched out straight behind your body, with your palms on the ground for support. Maintain this posture for some time and feel the stretch along your spine. Return to the starting position and repeat this stretch on the other side, interchanging your hands and legs.


The Salabhasana, or Locust pose, is another excellent scoliosis exercise. To perform this exercise, lie down flat on a yoga mat with your chest to the floor. Your legs should be held straight together and your arms should be at your sides. Slide your arms under your thighs so that for support. Rest your chin on the floor. Inhale slowly and raise your legs, chest, and head off the floor. Once again, feel the stretch along your spine. Hold this position for as long as you can. Slowly return to the starting position.


It must be kept in mind that while yoga is an excellent scoliosis alternative treatment, it should only be attempted after consulting your doctor. If you are new to yoga, you should learn the proper techniques under the guidance of a trained yoga teacher. Tell your yoga instructor about your condition so that he or she can devise a special series of scoliosis exercises to hasten your therapy.

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