Birthmark Removal – Home Remedies To Reduce Birthmarks Appearance

Home Remedies To Remove Birthmark

Very little is known about the real cause behind the occurrence of birthmarks on a child’s face. This gives rise to a number of medically unproved theories that the expecting mother had either eaten some kind of food which has caused this or committed some actions during the pregnancy that could have led to this condition. The facts though, are that nothing is known or proven, and so far the occurrence of birthmarks on a child seems to be quite random. While many children are born with birthmarks or peculiar blotches on their skin, the skin blemishes will gradually disappear while the child adapts to life outside the womb. However, sometimes these birthmarks are permanent and do not fade. While they pose no real medical danger to the individual, they can be quite disfiguring and can lead a number of people to have lower self morale as a result of the birthmark. Birthmarks have no common standards when it comes to appearance and can be raised or flat with either regular or irregular borders and can be colored anywhere from brown to black to pink or even red. Birthmarks are formed with the cells that make up the inner lining of our blood vessels and hence can look very peculiar.

While there are no guarantees in getting rid of any birthmarks you may have, you can try a few of the following home remedies that will help reduce the prominence of the birthmark:

  • Ice packs have been known to help in the tightening of skin pores which may help in reducing the birthmark. Try wrapping three or four small ice cubes into a small piece of cloth and rubbing this gently on the affected skin for about 5 minutes. Perform this regularly for best results.

  • Olive oil is known for its moisturizing qualities which might help soften the texture of skin and eventually help lighten the birthmark. Try massaging the affected skin for about 10 minutes daily with the help of olive oil.

  • Vitamin E contains antioxidant properties that can help with birthmarks as they help in treating any free radical damage to our body cells. Try mixing some Vitamin E with orange oil for it to have a better effect.

  • Since lemon is a natural bleaching agent, it is used in many skin lightening lotions as well as home remedies. Applying lemon juice to the birthmark and washing it off after some time might go a long way in reducing the prominence of the birthmark.

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