High Cholesterol Remedies – How To Reduce Cholesterol Level With Natural Remedies

High Cholesterol Symptoms And Remedies

The death rate caused due to a failure of the heart muscle is higher than it has ever been before. The lack of time in a person’s daily life and easy access to junk food is no help when it comes to most heart conditions. Cholesterol is an important waxy substance required for the normal functioning of the body and exists in practically every part of the human body including major organs like the nerves, intestines, liver, skin and muscles. Despite its many important roles, too much cholesterol will do more damage than good to your body; at times the end result could even be fatal. Excess levels of cholesterol lead to the cholesterol depositing themselves on the walls of the arteries, causing the amount of space available for the blood to flow through the artery to reduce. Eventually, with the constant build up of cholesterol along the sides of the artery walls, the arteries will get blocked and prevent any blood from flowing along this course. If the artery is a part of the pathway for the bloodstream to any major organs or muscles like the heart, it could cause the cells of the organs to die as a result of the lack of blood and oxygen supply which are critical for the life of the cell.

Cholesterol usually shows no symptoms and will most likely be detected during a routine medical check up. Here are a few tips on how to help lower the high cholesterol count in your blood:
  • A strict regular exercise regime can help reduce the cholesterol content of the blood.
  • A high intake of raw onions and onion juice has been known to significantly contribute to a reduction in the cholesterol levels of an individual. However, due to the foul breath that consumption of onions lead to, this remedy is not highly popular.
  • Sunflower seeds contain useful chemicals like linoleic acids which help in decreasing levels of cholesterol around blood capillaries and assists in normal blood circulation. When cooking, oils that consist of saturated fats or butter should be avoided and the use of sunflower oil should be incorporated.
  • Try boiling a piece of garlic in a glassful of milk and drink it. This will not only help reduce the cholesterol levels in your body but will also take care of the cardiac pains that develop, if your condition is serious. It may take a few days for the effects of this home remedy start to take effect.

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