Krounchasana or Heron pose

What is Krounchasana or Heron Yoga Pose?

Yoga has many bird poses and this is one of them. The Sanskrit term for Heron is ‘Krouncha’. This is pose is called Krounchasana or Heron Yoga Pose because the completed pose resembles a standing heron.

This Yoga Bird Pose is a very challenging pose which blends sitting with a forward bending, while you balance on one foot. The other foot is extended back and up, and resembles a heron’s long neck.  Balance and stretch are incorporated into this pose.

Step by Step procedure: Follow these steps.

  • First start by sitting in the Dandasana (Staff Pose)

  • Slowly, bring the left leg into Virasana (Hero Pose). Point the left foot back, and let your knee hug the midline.

  • Bend your right leg at the knee, placing the foot on the floor, near the right sitting bone.

  • Bring both your hands to clasp the right foot.

  • Open up the chest, elongate the spine and lift the sternum.

  • Straighten your left leg fully, and bring the foot up, close to your body.

  • Lean your torso back a little as you stretch it. Keep the shoulder blades firm against your back.

  • Inhale and raise your leg, so that it is a little higher than the head, angling it at 45 degrees,

  • Hold for about 10 seconds and release the pose, while exhaling.

  • Rest for a few seconds and repeat the pose with the other leg.

Tips for Beginners: You can make use of a yoga strap to give support to the raised foot.

Benefits: The Heron Yoga Pose has many benefits

  • It is especially beneficial for people with flat feet because it stretches and strengthens the arches of the foot, ankles and the Achilles Heel.

  • It stretches the muscles of the calves, thighs, hamstrings and knees and makes them flexible and strong.

  • It opens up and tones the muscles and organs of the chest and abdomen, improving and stimulating their function.

  • It is helpful if you tend to suffer from flatulence.

Contraindications and precautions: This is a very challenging pose and you should do it only under guidance and after consulting an expert.

The Heron Yoga is best avoided during menstruation.

If you have any problems or injuries in your knees or ankles which prevent you from bending them, it would be better to avoid this pose. Or you may do it using props, so that you do not injure yourself further.

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