Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend

What is Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend?

The Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend is one of the basic and popular poses in yoga. It can be done by itself or also as a resting pose in between other standing poses. In Sanskrit ‘ut’ means intense or deliberate and ‘tan’ means stretch, lengthen or extend. So, it literally means a pose where you deliberately extend or lengthen yourself.

The Parsva Uttanasana, also called the Parsvottanasana or Pyramid Yoga Pose is a variation of the Uttansana, and requires a deeper stretch.

In the Hasta Uttanasana or Hand Raising Pose, you simply fold your hands and raise them above your head, simultaneously bending backwards

Step by Step procedure: The Yoga Forward Bend looks very simple, but it must be done slowly and with full concentration to gain maximum benefit.

  • First stand upright in Tadasana (Palm Tree Yoga Pose). Keep your hands on your hips and your feet slightly apart.

  • Inhale and raise your arms forward and upwards. Your palms should face each other and your upper arms should be touching your ears.

  • Now, exhale slowly and bend forward and downward. Take care to bend not from the waist, but from the hips.

  • Extend the spine and draw out the torso so that it is in a table top position. Your sitting bones should be thrust back, lifted and pointing to the ceiling.

  • If possible, keep your knees straight, but do not lock them. Turn the top part of your thigh slightly inward. Do not lock your head, but let it hang loosely.

  • Keeping your heels firmly pressed on the floor, try to touch your feet with your hands. Wrap the palms of your hands around your ankles, if possible – the fingertips are touching the front of the ankles, while the palms hold the back of the ankles.

  • Hold this position, for a few seconds, while you breathe in and out two or three times. You might feel a mild oscillation of your torso as you breathe. Exhale and slowly release the pose.

  • Rest a while and repeat a few times.

Benefits: Even though Uttanasan is a simple pose, it has numerous benefits.

  • It is a stretching pose, which strengthens the muscles of the legs, hips, hamstrings, thighs, knees, calves, as well as the spine, making them more flexible.

  • It tones and stimulates the organs in the abdominal area, such as the kidneys and liver, and also helps to improve digestion.

  • It is useful for relieving cramps and pains during menstruation.

  • By calming the brain, it provides relief for stress and anxiety, and is useful in treating depression.

  • It has been found helpful for reducing, fatigue, insomnia and headache.

  • It has also been effective for treating high blood pressure, asthma, sinusitis, osteoporosis and infertility.

Contraindications: If you have a back injury, use a few modifications while performing the pose. You can take the support of a wall and you can also bend your knees. You can also perform the Ardha Uttanasana (Half Standing Forward Bend), where your palms need not touch your ankles – keep them stretched out parallel to the floor.

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