Foods That Lower Blood Sugar Level – Basic Rules For Diabetes

Meals To Low Blood Sugar

High blood sugar is caused when the bloodstream is unable to absorb the entire amount of glucose that is produced as a result of the digestion of food. The normal blood sugar level measured on an empty stomach is 80-120mg per 100ml of blood, and up to 60mg a couple of hours after a meal. Anything above these levels is considered indicate of high blood sugar. Commonly referred to as diabetes, this is a serious disorder that may lead to complications like heart disease and blindness. The chief cause behind this condition is that the body is not able to produce or use sufficient insulin to assimilate glucose into the bloodstream naturally. Obesity, nutritional imbalances, lack of adequate physical exercise, stress and anxiety, and heredity are the common factors responsible for high blood sugar.

There are a few basic rules that you must follow to keep a check on your blood sugar level. Reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates such as rice, white bread, sugar and potato, as they raise the level of glucose in the blood very rapidly. Instead, eat foods rich in more complex carbohydrates such as raw vegetables and whole grains that supply energy to the body without raising the blood sugar level. You should also restrict the intake of proteins and fats as they hinder the quick absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. It is also necessary that you keep a tab on your body weight, as overweight people are at the greatest risk of having high blood sugar. Regular physical exercise not only helps you maintain a healthy body weight but also helps increase the rate at which glucose is assimilated into the bloodstream, thereby regulating the blood sugar level. You may also drink herbal teas in order to keep your blood sugar level within safe limits. Steeping a couple of cinnamon sticks or adding a tablespoon of cinnamon powder into a kettle of boiling water is another option. You should drink a cup if this infusion twice a day to lower your blood sugar level. For another remedy, soak a handful of fenugreek seeds in a large cup of water overnight, and mash the seeds the next morning; then extract the clear liquid using a sieve and drink it. Following this remedy for a couple of months is an effective natural way of lowering blood sugar levels. You should also drink a glass of grape juice at breakfast every morning.

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