What is siddha yoga?

Siddha yoga meditation is way of disciplining yourself and a way to inner transformation. Gurumayi Chidvilasananda is the guru who guides his disciples and is the spiritual head of this form of yoga. He is also the meditation master, and helps his students in their spiritual practice.

Anybody who wants to learn the Siddha Yoga has to start with the shaktipat diksha. Regular practice and a focused approach can help students imbibe the practices and teachings of Siddha yoga. Siddha yoga can teach self awareness.

All across the world, Siddha yogis work on the practices as well as the teachings of this form of yoga. They work together in meditation groups, retreats, and centers, as well as in their homes. Anyone who wants to learn can join a centre and learn the yoga.

What is Siddha Yoga?

The term Siddha Yoga has been given by Swami Muktananda – the word stands for ‘the path of self-realization’. It is a spiritual path that has the core values of the Hindu spiritual traditions, of the Vedanta as well as of Kashmir Shaivism. Siddha Yoga is taught in meditation centers all across the world.

Essential teachings: There are three essential teachings of Siddha Yoga.

  • One of the teachings says that we should honor our own self, meditate ourselves, and worship our self because each of us has God within us.

  • We should also be able to see the All Mighty in each other.

  • Our hearts are the most sacred and we should delve into our hearts if we feel like going to a sacred place.

The Siddha Yoga Vision: According to Siddha Yoga, if each of us realizes that there is divinity in each of us, then that would actually put an end to all the suffering and miseries, and would lead to supreme happiness.

The Siddha Yoga Mission: The main aim of Siddha Yoga is to educate people about the importance of Self.

Siddha Yoga Technique: Through meditation, Siddha Yoga encourages people to turn the attention inwards and focus on the breath and the mantra. ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is the mantra of Siddha Yoga. By chanting the mantras, a person can have a dialog with the divine.

The teachings of Siddha Yoga are drawn from the Bhagvad Gita, Vedanta, Kashmir shaivism, and Maharashtrian poet-saints. Siddha Yoga is not really a secular yoga discipline as per our western understanding as it is a spiritual or religious movement that is rooted in Hindu spiritualism and tradition.

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