How Much Should I Weight For My Height And Age?

Height And Weight Ratio

The ratio of height, age and sex to weight indicates whether you have an optimal body mass. Since you have not mentioned any of these variables in your query, it is difficult to determine your ideal body weight. However, an adult woman whose height is 5’6” should ideally weigh around 140 pounds, while an adult of the same height should weigh around 148 pounds. You may add or subtract roughly 3 pounds of weight to this estimate for every inch of height in order to arrive at your ideal body weight. Unless you are suffering from major physical ailment, it should not be difficult for you to achieve your ideal body weight through a regular schedule of exercise and a healthy, well balanced diet. Being overweight or underweight can pose serious health problems.

How To Obtain Ideal Weight

A sedentary lifestyle is leading to the problem of obesity in large sections of the urban population. In order to avoid this problem, you should set aside at least an hour every day for some form of active sports or physical exercise such as jogging, swimming or aerobics. Not only does this burn the extra fat accumulated in the body, but it also ensures that the muscles of your entire body are well toned and thereby gives you a proportionate shape. If you tend to put on weight conspicuously around certain parts of the body like the waist and hips, you may consult a professional trainer to practice specific exercises targeting these areas. A healthy diet is also crucial to achieving and maintaining an optimum body weight. If you are overweight, avoid foods that have a high fat and starch content. You should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and sprouts, soy products and lean meats in your diet to supply essential nutrients and sufficient energy to your body without adding to the level of harmful fats in the body. If you are underweight, you should also consume nuts, eggs, milk and dairy products to make up for the lack of fat reserves in the body. Do not overeat or starve yourself in an attempt to gain or lose weight, as this only hampers the natural process of digestion of food and in the long run harms the body. Eat at fixed timings and at regular intervals in order that you consume the optimum amount of food, and that it is properly assimilated into the body through the process of digestion.

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