How To Reduce Tummy With Yoga Excercises

There are many yoga poses which specifically target the abdominal muscles. These poses can be standing, sitting, squatting or inverted. By targeting the abdominal muscles, they help to reduce belly fats. Other than that, they also help to strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles, thus giving a firmer look. By strengthening the internal organs in the abdominal area, like the stomach, spleen, liver and pancreas, some of the poses lead to improved secretion of digestive juices, which in turn leads to better digestion. They also help to relieve gases, thus reducing bloating after eating.

Yoga asanas (poses) to reduce stomach: As with all exercise programs, beginners must remember to start with the simple exercises and then gradually move on to the more advanced ones. They must also take care to warm up sufficiently. This will prevent any stress or injury. Besides this, it is advisable to perform the poses after consultation with a medical expert, and under the guidance of a capable yoga professional.

These physical exercises must be practiced daily to be truly effective.

  • Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar): Surya Namaskara is a perfect blend of physical exercises and breathing techniques, and must be incorporated into your daily schedule since it tones body muscles and helps to get rid of stomach flab

  • Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): This posture massages your kidneys, expands the chest and tightens the muscles of the abdomen.

  • Upward Facing Dog Posture: This posture helps to make the stomach muscles firm, because you have to lift your body and balance your entire weight on the tips of the feet and hands.

  • Westward Facing Forward Bend (Paschimottasana): This yoga pose helps to burn excess fat and flatten the stomach. It also improves digestion and strengthens the stomach muscles.

  • Plough Pose (Halasana): This yoga pose tones and stretches abdominal skin which is sagging, and also stimulates the thyroid and pancreas, leading to better digestion.

  • Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanmuktasana): This pose helps to expel gases in the abdomen, thus reducing extra weight and fat.

A few other poses which help in reducing stomach fat are:

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

  • Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

  • Peacock Pose (Mayurasana)

  • Crow Pose (Kakasana)

  • Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

  • Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)

  • Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)

  • Standing Forward Bend (Padhastasana)

  • Bridge Pose (Setubadhasana)

  • Locust Pose (Shalabhasana)

  • Swinging Lotus Pose (Jhulasana)

Kriyas or cleansing techniques: Along with these yoga postures, practicing the few following kriyas or cleaning and breathing techniques will also help to cleanse the colon and thus reduce stomach fat.

  • Regurgitative cleansing (Vaman Dhauti)

  • Conch cleansing process (Shankha Prakshalana)

  • Bellows (Bhastrika)

  • Right nostril breathing (Suryabhedna)

  • Alternate nostril breathing (Anuloma-Viloma)

  • Cleaning breath (Kapalbhati)


Along with the physical practices, you must also observe certain diet restrictions. Avoid fried, greasy and fatty foods, and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

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