Mucus In Eye : Is Eye Discharges Related To Serious Disorders?

Causes Of Eye Mucus

Eye mucus or discharge is a symptom that could be associated with a number of disorders. In most cases, such mucus can be attributable to the problem of infection or conjunctivitis. One has to remember that discharge from the eye in excessive amounts is not really normal. At the same time one has to remember that the eye does let out some amount of discharge which is especially noticeable in the mornings. This is perfectly normal and is one way in which the eye prevents dirt and other foreign objects from affecting it. Women will have noticed this more when they apply makeup such as eyeliner or mascara. The excess liner which tends to find its way into the eye has a tendency to be discharged along with the viscous matter. Thus, if it is just a little mucus that you see, even if discharged on a daily basis, it is considered normal. At the same time, an excess of this is typically a sign that the eye has been infected in some way. Pink eye is the common name given to the infection that is termed as conjunctivitis. Other symptoms include blurring of your vision, more tearing and redness. In most cases, conjunctivitis needs to simply run its course since one cannot really hasten this infection. For a soothing experience, conjunctivitis could benefit from the use of some kind of cool compress, if the causal factor is an allergy. On the other hand, the other extreme of a warm compress should be used when the causal factor is a bacterium or virus.

One has to bear in mind that this discharge could be explained by other conditions. For instance, it could be something in the environment that is irritating your eyes and causing them to discharge excessively. This could be explained by some seasonal allergies or possibly, hayfever. Typically there would be the symptoms of burning or itching which will accompany the discharge. Think about other possible factors such as eye makeup that might have led to this development. It might be that it is necessary to buy new eye makeup or to try an alternative brand. In the meanwhile you will have to take care of the affected eye by practicing good hygiene. Besides hand washing this would mean avoiding spreading the problem by using your own kerchief, towel and bedding. Do talk to your doctor, describing the nature of the discharge from your eye and any other symptoms.

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