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Mediterranean Diet And Foods Plan

A Mediterranean diet is considered the latest trend in the healthy food diets around the world; this is because of its rigid compliance with the recommendations of the American Heart Association. Researchers have found that a Mediterranean style diet reduces the incidence of heart diseases in the citizens of this particular region as opposed to those in Americans, by a large margin. The Mediterranean diet food depends mainly on foods from plant origins, like vegetables, legumes, beans, and fruits.  Although there are 16 countries and regions overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, and they all have different cuisines and food habits, they also have some common features that they all share. All of these countries consume carbohydrates such as pasta and bread constantly in every meal. Different kinds of vegetables and beans also constitute a regular dish in their meals, either served cooked or as a salad. Steamed and grilled fish and lobsters are also consumed on regular basis. Lean...

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