Bikram Yoga Poses

There are several schools, forms and styles of yoga. One such form of yoga is Bikram Yoga. It is also known as “Hot Yoga” or “Fire Yoga.”

Bikram Yoga was developed by and named after Bikram Choudhary. It is a demanding, vigorous form of yoga. The routine sequence followed in Bikram Yoga is designed scientifically so as to provide maximum benefits to the body when executed. The muscles, ligaments and tendons are worked on, stretched and strengthened in a set and established order; this order allows for maximum gain.

Bikram Yoga incorporates two breathing techniques and twenty six different postures; each posture is performed twice in every session. Bikram Yoga is unique in the fact that it has to be performed in a heated room at temperatures of 95 to 100 °F and with a 40% level of humidity; hence, the name hot yoga.

The Bikram Yoga routine flows as follows:

  • Pranayama Breathing

  • Standing Series Postures – The standing poses include the Awkward pose, the Balancing Stick pose, Half moon pose, the Hands to feet, Eagle pose, hand to knee pose, the Triangle pose, standing separate leg head to knee pose, standing bow pull pose, tree pose, and the toe stand pose

  • Floor Series Postures – These include the bow pose, blowing in firm pose, camel pose, corpse pose, cobra pose, locust and full locust pose, rabbit pose, wind removing pose, fixed firm pose, half tortoise pose, head to knee pose, and the spine twisting pose.

  • Kapalbhati Breathing (The Cleansing breath technique)

Bikram Yoga’s dynamic yoga sessions are conducted in a heated room. This allows the individual to attempt deeper stretches without the risk of injury. The warmth also helps increase body flexibility that otherwise may not have been possible.

Pursuing a forceful form of yoga in a warm environment leads to a lot of sweating. This is the goal. By sweating it out, you flush out the toxins and cast out the stress and the tension locked up in the body. Bikram Yoga cleanses the body, purifying it. As the waste is washed out, fresh, nutrient rich blood is transported through the body, to every organ, every muscle; restoring and rejuvenating the system in a single session. Every major organ, from the heart to the brain is affected positively.

Regular practice of Bikram yoga can help keep illness at bay. This is an effective way of preventing chronic conditions like diabetes, arthritis and thyroid imbalances. It is also an excellent way to lose weight.

Bikram Yoga shouldn’t be attempted without a trained and licensed instructor.

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