Hemorrhoids Natural Treatments

Hemorrhoids Cause And Home Treatments

There is a battery of natural cures available for hemorrhoids. But which ones you employ would really depend upon the reason you are suffering from hemorrhoids in the first place. There can be any number of reasons starting from hard stools, very less stools that need a lot of straining to get out, to a recent delivery or even eating excessively spicy foods. You need to isolate your reasons and then plan your cure accordingly. To begin with, you should be taking care of hard stools if you are indeed suffering from them. The best way to go about this is to start adding large quantities of fiber to your diet. This will help to produce soft stools. Start eating large quantities of fresh and unprocessed fruits and vegetables. This will show excellent and positive results in as little as a week. If you are looking for a quicker method, you can start taking a couple of teaspoons of psyllium husk with warm water each night before going to bed. The best natural cure, this will show positive results in as little as a day. However, in order to have a permanent solution, you should change your diet. If you are eating too little, you should try to drink a large glass of warm milk before bedtime to which two dried and crushed figs have been added. Milk is a mild laxative, as are figs, and this combination will ensure that you have smooth motions in the morning.

Post delivery hemorrhoids are possibly the worst kind. They are usually open wounds and take a long time to get cured or heal. The best solution for these is witch hazel. This is a cooling and soothing liquid that can easily be applied to and left on the wounded area. Try not to use cotton, as this may stick to open wounds and not come off. This will only add to your misery by causing further infection and unhygienic conditions. Eating excessively spicy food can also cause you to strain too much while having a motion. This happens, quite simply, because the entire rectum is suffering from the spice you have consumed and is reluctant to let it pass on. This can cause the nerve ending on your anus to rupture. This phenomenon is also called hemorrhoids in medical terms. While you may not be able to see these wounds, they are as severe. Again, the solution is in softening your stools.

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