How To Get Relief Of Toothache At Home

A bad toothache can be among the most agonizing pains in the world, leaving you desperate for any kind of relief. It is sometimes possible to ease the pain with a few simple home remedies or over the counter painkillers, but it is important to always remember that a toothache is only a symptom that something is wrong. Self medication, whether with painkillers or home remedies, only addresses the symptom, and does not treat the underlying cause. This means that not only will the pain return eventually, it will also steadily get worse, as the underlying problem will continue to deteriorate.

What Cause Toothache

Cavities and gum disease are common causes of toothaches, and these need to be addressed in the early stages in order to minimize damage. Sometimes, more serious dental problems can cause toothaches, and this is often the result of neglecting the early symptoms and delaying treatment. These include advanced jaw disease and infection of the dental pulp. Sometimes, a physical problem such as a broken tooth or simply the growth of a wisdom tooth, which usually occurs by the age of 30, can also cause a toothache. In all these cases, treatment may include removal of the teeth, and this of course is something that cannot be achieved (or even substituted) by the use of self medication. The use of antibiotics is also sometimes required, and as much as you may prefer to avoid this, it is sometimes the only option.

Home Remedies For Toothache Relief

If for some reason, you are unable to get medical treatment immediately, you can try a few home remedies – however, remember that these are temporary solutions, and should not be used indefinitely. One simple solution is to take a little clove oil, or a clove itself, and apply it or place it on the affected tooth and the surrounding gum area. Remember though, that clove oil is harmful in large quantities; do not use this remedy more than twice or thrice a day, for a couple of days. Applying ice to the affected area, or simply keeping a piece of ice in your mouth, will also provide a good amount of relief. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water or even with a little bit of whisky is also beneficial, and can be done as many times as you like. These two remedies both ease the pain and destroy bacteria to some extent – however, note that they will not completely stop the infection.

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