Kundalini Yoga Poses
In Kundalini Yoga, yogic asanas (yoga postures) are combined with meditation, chanting and breathing. These asanas have been designed not only to stimulate certain organs or glands of the body; they also calm the mind in preparation for meditation. The asanas achieve this effect by applying pressure on certain acupressure points and nerves, which send reflexes to various parts of the body and the brain.
Kundalini asanas use a continuous movement. This energizes the chakras by allowing free circulation of the life force in the body. The aim of Kundalini yoga is to achieve ‘mastery of self'. This is done by the release of energy, which in turn happens by releasing physical tension and calming your mental chatter!
Here are some basic Kundalini poses, which have to be combined with Kundalini chanting and breathing.
Easy Pose (or Sukasana): Sit down comfortably on the floor, with your ankles crossed. In order to ensure that the back is straight, keep your lower spine pressed forward.
Perfect Pose (or Siddhasana): Press your right heel against your perineum, keeping the sole pressed against the left thigh. Place your left heel above your right leg and press against the pelvic. Tuck your toes between the thigh and right calf. Keep your knees on the ground, one heel above the other.
Lotus Pose (or Padmasana): Place your left foot on your right thigh, and the right foot on left thigh. Keep as close as possible to the body.
Rock Pose (or Vajrasana): Kneel down, and sit on your heels. The tops of your feet should touch the ground, and press the nerves in your buttocks.
Celibate (or Hero Pose): Keeping your feet hip width apart, sit on the ground, between the feet.
Other poses are:
Tip: Always keep your alignment of the spine correct. Experts advise not to do any pose that causes discomfort.
Kundalini asanas use a continuous movement. This energizes the chakras by allowing free circulation of the life force in the body. The aim of Kundalini yoga is to achieve ‘mastery of self'. This is done by the release of energy, which in turn happens by releasing physical tension and calming your mental chatter!
Here are some basic Kundalini poses, which have to be combined with Kundalini chanting and breathing.
Easy Pose (or Sukasana): Sit down comfortably on the floor, with your ankles crossed. In order to ensure that the back is straight, keep your lower spine pressed forward.
Perfect Pose (or Siddhasana): Press your right heel against your perineum, keeping the sole pressed against the left thigh. Place your left heel above your right leg and press against the pelvic. Tuck your toes between the thigh and right calf. Keep your knees on the ground, one heel above the other.
Lotus Pose (or Padmasana): Place your left foot on your right thigh, and the right foot on left thigh. Keep as close as possible to the body.
Rock Pose (or Vajrasana): Kneel down, and sit on your heels. The tops of your feet should touch the ground, and press the nerves in your buttocks.
Celibate (or Hero Pose): Keeping your feet hip width apart, sit on the ground, between the feet.
Other poses are:
- Archer Pose (Virabhadrasana)
- Baby Pose (Garbhasana)
- Boat Pose (Dvipada)
- Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
- Bridge Pose (Setuasana)
- Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)
- Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
- Cat-Cow (Marjariasana)
- Cat-Stretch
- Chair Pose
- Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
- Corpse Pose (Savasana)
- Crow Pose
- Guru Pranam (Supta Parvatasana)
- Frog Pose
- Front Bends (Uttanasana)
- Fish Pose ( Supta Virasana)
- Kundalini Lotus (Urdhvamukha Prasarita Padottanasana)
- Leg Lifts (30, 60, 90 degrees)
- Life Nerve Stretch (Front Stretch) (Paschimottanasana)
- Life Nerve Stretch (Left & Right) (Upavistha Konasana)
- Locust Pose (Salabhasana) Neck Rolls
- Maha Mudra Kriya (The Great Seal of Yoga)
- Pelvic Lifts (Kandharasana)
- Platform Pose (Front)
- Platform Pose (Back) (Purvottanasana)
- Plough Pose (Halasana)
Tip: Always keep your alignment of the spine correct. Experts advise not to do any pose that causes discomfort.