Padmasana or the Lotus Pose

Padmasana is also known as the kamalasana and kamal is the word for lotus. It is one of the most basic and important poses in yoga, and is done by sitting in such a posture with the legs folded that the practitioner looks like a lotus. The lotus pose is a contemplative pose and is good for meditation.

When you begin this yoga posture, you must be aware and conscious of your movements. You can also visualize the asana in advance, to tune your mind to it. As you get into the posture, you must close your eyes and be conscious of your body. Your muscles should be relaxed, the breathing should be even, and a sense of calm should envelop you.

How to do Padmasana or Lotus pose: You must practice any yoga posture under the guidance of a yoga expert. However, here are the basic guidelines of practicing the Lotus Pose.

  • Sit on your yoga mat with your legs spread forward.
  • Then, keep your right foot on your left thigh; the left foot on your right thigh.
  • When you are getting into the Lotus Pose, keep your back, body and head straight and erect.
  • Then slowly close your eyes and prepare for meditation.

Benefits of Padmasana or the Lotus Pose:

  • This posture is good for improving one’s concentration.
  • It is believed that the Lotus Pose can preserve the vital fluids of the body.
  • It is supposed to prevent female health problems that are connected with the reproductive system and abdominal diseases.
  • The Lotus pose is a calming and relaxing posture.
  • The Lotus Pose is said to be a classic hip opener.


Do keep the following tips in mind while doing the Lotus Pose.

  • Since the Lotus Pose is a meditative pose, you must keep your spine straight.
  • You should do the Half Lotus Pose (Ardha Padmasana) before practicing the lotus pose.
  • If you’ve kept one of your legs on the other thigh, and after that you cannot place the other leg on the other thigh, then do not force yourself.
  • If you suffer from chronic knee pain, then you should not practice it.
  • If you get cramps in your calf muscles, then you might want to do the Lotus Pose more carefully and slowly.
  • This is an advanced pose, so beginners might take more time to learn this posture. Beginners must also attempt this posture carefully, and should not push their bodies.

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