Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation

You might be a sportsperson, an athlete, a regular at the gym or a fitness buff. But even if you do all sorts of exercises, it is beneficial to incorporate Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation into your exercise regime. A complete workout in itself, the Sun Salutation has a series of yoga movements to stretch and strengthen the various muscles of the body. Experts and yoga practitioners believe that the the Sun Salutation is a miniature version of everything that yoga is about. A set of 12 asanas, the Sun Salutation is the essence of yoga.

The Sun Salutation presents the seven steps of yoga, which include the practices of individual and social purity, pranayama or breathing techniques, asana or postures, dharana or concentration, as well as meditation (dhyana).

For best benefits, you can practice the Sun Salutation six to 12 times. After you complete these exercises, you will fit energized, fresh and healthy, ready to take on the challenges of the day. Regular practicing of the Sun Salutation will tone your body and increase your stamina.

While doing the Sun Salutation, you can also chant the prayer along with the exercises, for spiritual calmness. A series of asanas that loosen the muscles of the body, stretch the joints, and helps you tone up and loose weight, the Sun Salutation can drive away depression, and relax your body and mind. It also improves the blood circulation, improves the functioning of the endocrine glands, and refreshes a person.

The right way to do the Sun Salutation: While, it is strongly recommended that you learn the yoga postures from a trained yoga expert, you should also practice the Sun Salutation regularly for maximum benefits. Women who are pregnant, or others who have been suffering from arthritis and slip-disk, should speak to a doctor as well as to a yoga expert before doing the Sun Salutation. After you complete a session of Surya Namaskar, you might like to lie down on the yoga mat and do Shavasana or the Corpse Pose, or Yoga Nidra to relax your body completely.

Finally, it is important to remember that the Sun Salutation can make your body more supple and flexible, can test the key power of your muscles and can improve the coordination between the mind and the body. Before you begin doing the Sun Salutation, you must do a few simple warming up exercises and stretching exercises, then begin the first exercise slowly. The first three to four sets should be done slowly before increasing your speed.

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