Utkatasana or Fierce pose

Ask any professional bodybuilder which is the most powerful pose in the weight training arena. Nine out of ten times, the answer will be the squat. The squat is such a powerful exercise because it exercises some of the largest muscles of the body—the thigh and back muscles.

Yoga, too, has its own variation of the squat. This powerful yoga pose is known as the Utkatasana, or the fierce pose. Unlike weigh training, this pose is performed without any external weights. It uses your own body weight to help strengthen your body. Those who have performed the Utkatasana will testify that this yoga pose is no less challenging than  the squat.

How to perform the Utkatasana

There are many variations of the Utkatasana that increase its difficulty in a progressive manner. Let us start with the basic Utkatasana. To perform this pose, you have to first stand in the mountain pose, or Tadasana. Center your mind and allow your entire body to relax. Now inhale deeply and simultaneously raise your arms above your head. This allows you to stretch and mobilize your chest and back.

Slowly exhale and lower your body from the hips and knees until your upper body forms a 45 degree angle to the floor. Ensure that your back is straight and that your knees don’t extend over your feet. Try to maintain this posture for as long as you can while breathing deeply and gently. If you find it very difficult to hold this posture for any length of time, you can try to place a plank under your heels while performing the pose.

Then, inhale and slowly come back to the upright position with your hands still pointed to the ceiling. Exhale and return to the Tadasana. This is one repetition. Unlike other forms of exercise, the emphasis should not be on a number of reps, or performing the exercise at a certain speed. Instead, when performing the Utkatasana, you should focus on your breathing, and on how your body feels when your are performing the pose. Feel the tension leave your chest, back, and spine. Visualize the muscles of your leg becoming stronger.

Benefits of Utkatasana

The Utkatasana is one of the best yoga poses to improve overall body strength, especially leg strength. It also helps to improve your posture and gives a good stretch to your spine, chest, arms, and shoulders. The fierce pose also helps to release any tension from the pelvic region. This powerful yoga pose is also beneficial for the diaphragm, heart, and abdominal organs.

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