Get Rid Of Bloating And Flatulence With Home Remedies
Cause Of Bloating And How To Get Rid Of It
Bloating is a condition in which there is excessive gas formation in the stomach, which results in an uncomfortable sensation in the abdominal region, and may be accompanied by flatulence and belching. A faulty diet is the primary cause for bloating. Overeating and consumption of foodstuff that leads to excessive production of gas in the digestive tract are often responsible for bloating. Sometimes, the growth of intestinal bacteria or yeast, as well as the intake of certain medicines, my also cause bloating. The amount of gas formed in the intestinal tract is also determined by how much air one swallows during eating. It is advisable, therefore, to chew every morsel properly and not hurry through your meals. You should also avoid talking and laughing during meals, as this causes you to swallow great amounts of air through your mouth, which may then lead to bloating. Avoid foodstuff like bran, bens, cabbage and broccoli, as these induce gas formation in the digestive tract. Also, stay away from carbonated beverages and alcohol, as these cause bloating too. Smoking is another major cause for bloating, so cut down on your consumption of cigarettes. Eating several small meals at regular intervals instead of just a few heavy meals every day is another way of preventing bloating.
Bloating Remedies
There are several simple home remedies that are useful for treating bloating. Probiotic supplements are often recommended to those who suffer from bloating regularly. Probiotics are a group of microorganisms that reside in the intestine and help in preventing the growth of harmful bacteria in the stomach, thereby aiding proper digestion of food and preventing bloating. Yoghurt is a rich natural source of probiotics, so eating a bowl of unflavored yoghurt every day is an easy and effective remedy for bloating. Another popular remedy for bloating is to drink peppermint tea during or immediately after a meal. Sometimes, boiling a couple of bay leaves in a cup of water for 5 minutes and then drinking the solution while it is still sufficiently warm helps in the release of excessive gas and cures bloating. Chewing a few fennel seeds or making a tea by steeping these seeds in boiling water for a few minutes and drinking it after a meal is also known to be a natural treatment for bloating. Asafetida is known to have a natural property of countering gas formation, so use a pinch of asafetida as condiment in your food while cooking.