Grover’s Disease Of Skin : Conditions And Treatment

What is Grover’s Disease

Grover’s disease (medically known as transient acantholytic dermatosis) is a skin disorder characterized by itchy red spots, rashes, lesions, and small bumps (known as papules). These symptoms usually appear at the center of back and chest, but can also appear elsewhere on the body. The symptoms may also vary from person to person – in some patients the itch or rashes are not seen, others may see excoriations on the chest and back, and some others may have blistered and bleeding skin. The disease usually affects men over the age of 50 and on an average the condition lasts for about 10-12 months. However, this may persist beyond the average time period, or may keep reappearing with seasonal variations. Sometimes, the condition may worsen because of the dermatitis appearing alongside Grover’s disease. Since the general symptoms of Grover’s disease may be confused with other types of skin diseases, it is best to have a skin biopsy done to get a proper diagnosis. Do consult a dermatologist and get yourself diagnosed properly if you experience these symptoms.

The exact cause of Grover’s disease is not known, but it is assumed that the disease is a result of some trauma or sun damage. People with dry skin type are also found to be more vulnerable to Grover’s disease. Some research also suggests that Grover’s disease is related to mercury toxicity in the body.

Just as the exact causes for Grover’s disease are not known, there’re no definite cures for it either. Treatment usually involves managing and easing the symptoms that appear with the disease. Here are some of the common tips that may help you find some relief and manage your condition in a better way.

  • Try to keep your body cool as sweating may aggravate your condition. However, avoiding sweating completely is also not recommended. The best thing to do would be to wipe your skin clean after you have sweated.

  • Topical steroids such as hydrocortisone can be helpful in treating mild forms of Grover’s disease. Apply over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams or lotions to the affected skin to soothe any itching.

  • The use of anti-fungal creams on the skin may also prove to be beneficial. You can also use moisturizing creams (preferably one that contains menthol) to help soothe your skin.

  • Avoid heat or heavy physical work so that you do not sweat excessively. You can apply anti-fungal talc on the skin – it will soak up the sweat and also act as medication.

  • Use of tetracycline, oral retinoids, and phototherapy are also known to provide relief. However, you may need to consult a doctor before going ahead with any of these treatments.

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