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Natural Remedies For Heartburn

Heartburn is more often than not, a result of unhealthy eating and drinking habits and lifestyle problems. If it is a persistent problem, which occurs more than once a week despite watching what you eat, then medical supervision is advised. However, if it is a minor heartburn as is most often the case, there are a number of herbal remedies to treat it effectively and provide immediate succor.

Ginger is among the best natural remedies to treat heartburn. You can either add it to your food in copious amounts or make a tea out of it and drink it. Ginger greatly helps the gastrointestinal system which is the root cause for heartburn in the first place. Peppermint oil is another great remedy. Do not consume it by itself as it can be pretty strong. Add a few drops to a cup of tea and then drink it. Drinking this tea after every meal effectively prevents heartburn. The oil neutralizes the acid in the stomach thus easing the digestive process. One could also replace peppermint oil with chamomile to achieve the same results. Some people also recommend fennel tea to cure heartburn. Scoop two teaspoons of fennel seeds into a cup of water. Let it boil for some time and strain the mixture. Drinking this can prove to be one of the best remedies for heartburn considering that fennel seeds are an ingredient in most of the medications sold over the counter for heartburn relief. For best results add a few drops of peppermint oil too in your fennel tea.

Rhubarb is another excellent herbal remedy that has been handed down the ages. Rhubarb too neutralizes the acid in the stomach that causes the burning sensation. Keep chewing on a rhubarb stalk and swallow the saliva that is produced by the chewing action. This is known to bring immediate relief from heartburn. Alternately, one could also drink lots of green tea mixed with ginger, chamomile or licorice root. Each of these aids in calming the stomach and reducing the burning sensation.

Heartburn Diet

The most important factor, however, is to watch what you eat. Avoid caffeine, chocolate, fried foods, fatty foods, tomatoes and citrus fruits and juices. Alcohol and tobacco must be avoided completely as these only increase the burning sensation and wreak havoc on the gastrointestinal system. Avoid eating large meals. Go for smaller ones more frequently instead. Avoid eating within two hours before bedtime and drink a lot of water.

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