Late Menstrual Cycle – Causes For Late Period And Home Remedies

What Causes Late Menstrual Cycle

In order to fully identify if you’re menstrual cycle is late, it is important to understand how the cycle works. While you may read that an average period will occur after every 28 days and last between 3 to 5 days, having a cycle that lasts a little longer or a little shorter is no need for alarm and is perfectly natural. Most often, if your body is in great health and you follow a strict and well balanced diet, your menstrual cycles will be well on time according to your body clock. However, if there is a change, a missed period or a late period could be one of your body’s biggest and clearest messages that something may need to be looked at a bit closer. While most of the time we associate late periods with a possible pregnancy, this is not always the case. If you have been sexually active though, it would be a good idea to check. Sometimes a woman will experience a late period because of reasons like a recent loss of weight, being sick or even being under a significant amount of stress. Certain types of medication including the use of birth control pills may also alter the timeliness of your periods.

Remedies For Delayed Menstrual Cycle

Here are a few tips to help you to get rid of any possible menstruation problems using easily available ingredients:
  • Consume the filtered decoction of boiled fig roots for a few weeks to help normalize the menstrual cycle.
  • Dissolve a couple of aspirins. ½ a teaspoon of sugar and ½ a teaspoon of honey into ½ a cup of water and drink the resulting solution. This mixture has been known to have a significant effectiveness in dealing with menstruation problems.
  • Pieces of fresh ginger should be pounded and boiled in a cup full of water and taken after each meal during the day.
  • You can also have a small cup full of a decoction prepared from wither leaves or seeds of coriander three times a day to help regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Create a hot infusion of margosa bark and have one cup in the morning, noon and evening to help with the menstrual cycles.
  • Grapes help tremendously in regulating menstrual cycles and having a glass of grape juice a day should help tremendously in this regard.
  • The consumption of raw carrots also helps significantly with menstrual irregularity.

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