Bhujapidasana or Shoulder pressing pose

Bhujapidasana is also known as the Shoulder Pressing Pose. You can try out the posture in the following way.

  • Assume the squatting position with your feet placed wide apart. You can measure this in comparison with the width of your shoulders; your feet should be placed a little less than the width of the shoulders). Keep your knees wide.

  • Bend your torso forward towards and between your inner thighs. Continue to keep your torso low, while raising your hips till your thighs are almost parallel to the floor.

  • Keep your shoulder and left arm below the back part of your left thigh, above the knee. Then place your left arm on the floor on the outer edge of the left foot. Your fingers should point forward. Repeat this on the right. While you’re executing this posture your upper back will curve.

  • Press your hands on the floor firmly, and then slowly shift your weight back – from your feet to your hands. As you straighten your arms, lift your feet slowly off the floor. This happens as you shift your center of gravity.

  • With your inner thighs, squeeze your outer arms. Then bring your right ankle over your left ankle. Look ahead and hold the posture for 30 seconds.

  • Then bend your elbows and slowly release your feet onto the floor. Exhale.

Anatomical focus:  This arm balance yoga pose focuses on the groin.

Health benefits
: Some of the benefits of the Shoulder Pressing Pose are:

  • It improves balance.

  • It tones the belly.

  • The posture also strengthens the wrists and arms.

Caution: You are advised not to do this posture if your have injuries in your elbow, shoulder, lower back and wrist. Ignoring the risks can result in severe damage, worsening your situation. If you feel that you are capable and ready for the pose, consult your doctor and instructor for their opinion.

Beginner’s tip: If you are beginner and are doing this posture for the first time, you might use a bolster or a yoga block to support your buttocks.

Preparatory postures
: Try these yoga postures before attempting the Shoulder Pressing Pose.

Follow up postures:     These include –

  • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana or Upward-Facing Dog

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog

  • Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend

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