Chesty Cough – Cure Chronic Cough And Phlegm With Homemade Remedies

Home Remedies For Chesty Cough And Phlegm

While a cough can be quite an irritation to one’s daily routine, it is an essential procedure in the body’s defense mechanics as it helps clear the respiratory tracts of any dust particles or foreign bodies. The reflex action is started by the stimulation of some sensory nerves that are present in the lining of the respiratory passages and, when a person coughs, there is a short intake of air which causes the larynx to close momentarily. The chest and abdominal muscles that help in breathing will also contract, thereby increasing the pressure required to drive the air out of the lungs when the larynx re-opens. All these factors contribute to the high speed at which the air is thrown out of the boy when a person coughs. The high speeds are the prime factor in the clearing of any dirt, dust or other secretions present in the respiratory tract. Chesty coughs are highlighted by the expulsion of phlegm when a person coughs. Whenever you feel the onset of a chesty or chronic cough, it is highly recommended that you visit a licensed doctor to identify if the condition is caused by a simple irritation or if it is a symptom of a more serious underlying condition. If it has been caused by another condition, successfully treating the serious condition will also see the cough subside.

However, if the condition is purely the result of an irritation in the air pipes, you could take advantage of a number of successful home remedies to help the condition. You could try creating a hot beverage to soothe the chest by squeezing the juice of a few lemons into a saucepan and adding about ¼ cup of honey and allow it to boil. You can then mix this with a cup of tea or let a spoonful of the mixture trickle down your throat. If you are an adult, you could also add a shot of rum for better effect. Taking a mixture of ginger and honey a few times during the course of the day is also known to be extremely beneficial. A herb tea can be created by mixing some peppercorn, ginger, honey, basil and warm water and letting the herbs steep into the tea before being consumed while still warm. If you allow it to trickle down your throat, you will experience significant amount of relief. Some have chosen to use a decoction of henna leaves to gargle regularly through the course of the day. This has also been known to be quite effective.

Also Read:
Home Remedies For Persistent Cough

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