Dark Lip – How Can You Get Rid Of Discolored Lips With Home Remedies

Treatment For Dark Lip At Home

Dark, discolored lips can be quite an embarrassment. The condition is mostly caused by excessive smoking, consumption of coffee, chewing tobacco, skin reaction to certain chemicals present in cosmetic products, prolonged exposure to harsh sunlight, chemotherapy or ageing.

There are many easy and natural ways to make discolored lips regain their natural color. You should drink plenty of water and lots of natural, unsweetened fruit juices every day to keep the skin cells of your lips well hydrated and restore to them their natural complexion. Reducing your intake of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages and cutting down on smoking are absolutely essential in order to treat discolored lips. Also, observe if the discoloration is a recent development that might have been caused by the use of a new brand of cosmetic product. If so, discontinue the use of that product immediately. Moreover, make sure that you always apply some sunscreen cream on your lips before stepping out into the sun, in order to defend your lips from discoloration caused by the sun’s radiation. You should smear your lips with a small amount of clarified butter every night before going to bed and leave it on overnight. This moisturizes the lips naturally, and leaves the lips looking soft and pink the next morning. Alternatively, you could add a pinch of saffron into a spoonful of fresh milk cream and blend the two together into a fine paste, and apply this mixture on your lips at bedtime every night. Following this remedy for a few weeks brings back the lost color to your lips. One of the most popular natural remedies for treating dark and discolored lips is to massage them with some lime juice. The acidic nature of the juice makes it a very good bleaching agent. You could also add a pinch of sugar on top of a slice of lemon and rub this gently over the lips for 5 minutes twice a day. This brings about a distinct improvement in the color of dark lips. Soaking a ball of cotton wool in some apple cider vinegar and dabbing the lips with this every day also acts similarly on the discolored lips. You could also use a mixture of equal quantities of lime juice and vinegar to massage your lips in order to make them look smoother and pinker. In addition, mix the pulp of a ripe banana, some yogurt and honey, and apply this paste on the lips to treat discoloration.

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