Eye Conjunctivitis – Remedies For Inflamed Eye And Allergic Conjunctivitis

What Causes Eye And Allergic Conjunctivitis

The occurrence of conjunctivitis is quite common and is known to affect children more often than adults. Simply put, it is the inflammation of the membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the exposed surface of the eyeball. Since the eyes are not sterile, they are more susceptible to infection and mainly rely on an enzyme, known as lysozymes, found in tears to help destroy and bacteria. Pinkeye, as the condition is also known as, can be quite visibly alarming as it will cause the eyes to turn extremely red and can spread rapidly. However, the condition does not lead to any long term eye or vision damage. The condition can be caused by a number of factors including allergies, which is probably the most common cause of its occurrence amongst children that have other allergies like hay fever. The bacteria and viruses responsible for the onset of a common cold and other infections like a sore throat and sinus infections, can also be held responsible for the onset of pinkeye. Sometimes a chemical irritant such as chlorine in a swimming pool, soaps or even air pollutants like smoke and fumes can be the likely cause of the condition.

Due to the widespread occurrence of the condition, there are a number of remedies that have developed all over the world over a period of time that make use of readily available ingredients that you are likely to find in your own home. You could try to create a cold infusion by putting some leaves of the marigold plant into water and use it as an eyewash. This will provide significant relief to the inflamed eyes and is considered to be one of the best treatments for conjunctivitis. Another option is to create a decoction with a handful of dried coriander in about 60 ml of water and using it as eyewash. This will not only provide relief to the affected areas, but will also considerably help reduce the inflammation. However, this treatment should be used rather sparingly if the patient suffers from bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis. A cold water fomentation on the eyes will provide almost instant relief. You could try this by folding a small hand towel and saturating it with cold water. Squeeze out the excess water and place the towel over both the eyes. Cover the cold towel with a piece of warm cloth to help retain the temperature and repeat the treatment as soon as you notice the cold foment becoming warm. Continue the process for an hour after which you should cover your eyes with a dry towel and lie back and relax.

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