Henna Hair Coloring – Tips For Natural Hair Coloring At Home

Henna Hair Coloring At Home

Henna is one of the most popular natural hair coloring agents. Henna is known to make the hair grow stronger and give a rich reddish glow to it. It is also an excellent conditioner, and is therefore absolutely effective in use, unless you are specifically allergic to it. The color that henna leaves behind is only temporary, and usually lasts for four to six washes, depending on the thickness of the person’s hair.

You should follow a few basic rules before and during applying henna on your hair. You must always wash your hair properly with a mild shampoo and water before applying henna. You could apply henna on wet or dry hair depending on your preference, but make sure that you apply a mild cream, olive oil or petroleum jelly across your hairline on your forehead as well as around the ears and on the neck, in order to prevent henna from staining the skin of these regions. It is also advisable to test the impact of henna on a thin strand of hair before using it on the entire mass of your hair. To conduct this test, add a teaspoon of henna into a tablespoon of boiling water and apply this solution on a strand of your hair, just thick enough to be wrapped around your forefinger. Roll this strand of hair with a plastic wrap and leave it on for 2 to 4 hours depending proportionately to how dark your hair naturally is. For making the henna paste, take two teaspoons of henna and add to it four tablespoons of boiling water. You may also add coffee or tea water and some lime juice to make the paste more effective. Using apple cider vinegar instead of water is a good option for those who want to color grey hair. In case you want to get a few bright red streaks, add a little cinnamon powder to the mixture. Coffee extract and lime juice help lighten blond shades. If you have dry hair, you should also add an egg and two tablespoons of either olive oil or homemade curd and mix these ingredients well to form a thick paste. You should not apply the henna mixture at once all over the hair; instead, divide your hair into equal parts and work your way from the strands at the bottom and proceed to the top. Then wrap your hair with a soft, warm towel. When it is time to wash your hair, use warm water followed with a thorough cold water rinse.

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