Matsyendrasana or Spinal twist yoga pose

Matsyendrasana helps to stretch and relax the spine. It is often recommended for those who suffer from frequent back aches because it can relieve the pressure on the spinal column and cure back pains. However, if you suffer from a degenerative disk, it is advised that you do not practice any spinal twist yoga poses.

This spinal twist pose is also known as the Half Spinal Twist or Ardha Matsyendrasana. To perform it, simply follow the instructions below.

  1. To begin with, seat yourself in the Dandasana or the Staff Pose. Straighten your legs and if you want, place a folded blanket or a soft thin pillow underneath your buttocks to get optimum support.

  2. Slide your left foot under your right leg so that it comes towards the outside of the hip on the right side. For this you will have to bend both knees. Now sitting in this position, place the outside of the left leg so that it is touching the floor. Now, step your right foot over the left leg. Stand the foot on the floor right next to your left hip. You knee should now be completely bent and pointing up towards the ceiling.

  3. Twist towards the inside of your right thigh while exhaling slowly. Place your right palm against the floor behind your buttock on the right side. Simultaneously, place your left upper arm on the right thigh towards the outside, close to the right knee. The inner right thigh and the torso now need to be pulled together.

  4. The inner right foot should now be placed on the floor. With that release the strain off the right side of the groin region. Lengthen your torso and lean the upper portion of it back. While leaning slightly, lengthen your tailbone on the floor and turn your head in either left or the right direction.

  5. Hold this pose for about a minute. If you feel you will be unable to, hold it for at least 30 seconds. Then start exhaling and release slowly to return to the starting position. Keep repeating if you like. However, while doing this pose, make sure that the twist is even and all of your spinal column is twisted.

This asana helps stimulate the kidneys and liver. It stretches the upper body, neck shoulders and also the hips. After you are through with the pose, you will feel that your spin has been energized. The digestive system will also get stimulated.

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