Tittibhasana or Firefly yoga pose

As always, you must take the help of a yoga instructor before you attempt to do any yoga pose. The firefly pose requires some amount of practice and expertise. You must also warm up adequately by doing other warming up yoga poses, before you try Tittibhasana.

Firefly yoga pose
: While it’s advisable to learn this posture from a yoga teacher and watch others do it, here is a step by step guide to give you an idea.

  • Get into a squatting position with your legs spread wide apart – keep the distance between your shoulders as a measuring tool and make sure that distance between your feet is a little less than that. Then move your pelvis forward and move your torso or upper body between your legs. Letting your upper body remain low, straighten your legs so that you can lift your pelvis to knee height.

  • Bring your left shoulder and upper arm below the back of the left thigh, right above the knee.  Then keep the left hand on the floor at the outer edge of the foot. Your fingers should be pointing forward. Do these actions on the other side.

  • Now very carefully, shifting the center of gravity, lift your body from the floor. Your hands should be pressed into the floor as you very gently transfer your weight back, from your feet, onto your hands. Try to balance your inner thighs higher up on your arms.

  • Inhale deeply and stretch your legs straight out. Try to bring and keep your pelvis high. In a good Firefly Pose, your legs should be placed parallel to the floor.

  • Remember that while doing firefly yoga, your inner edges of the feet will be angled forward slightly and the outer edges should be back.

  • Keep your arms as straight as possible, and try to hollow your chest and widen the shoulder blades at the same time – this movement helps to round your back and will life your body higher.

  • Be in this pose for about 15 seconds and breathe slowly while gazing forward. When you want to release the pose, touch your feet down on the floor while exhaling.

Anatomical focus: The firefly pose focuses on the wrists.

The Firefly pose stretches the torso and the inner groin.

It strengthens the wrists and the arms.

The pose tones the belly and improves the practitioner’s body balance.

Caution: Be careful while doing this posture and do take the help of a yoga expert. Avoid this posture if you have injuries of the lower back, wrist, elbow and shoulder.

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