Vasisthasana or Side plank pose

Vasisthasana can be broken up into two words – Vasistha, which means ‘excellent, richest, best’, while asana means ‘posture’ in the tradition of yoga, Vasistha is the name of a sage.

Side plank pose: This is how you can do the side plank yoga pose.

  • For this, you first need to be in the Plank pose. Then you can move the weight of your body onto your right arm, as your slowly roll on the outside of the right foot.

  • Then flex both feet and keep them that way. Stack your left foot right on top of the right foot. Remember to keep your legs very straight as you do this.

  • Bring up your left arm and point it towards the ceiling. Gaze at your finger tips.

  • Be in this position for some time, while breathing deeply. Then roll back and repeat the position on the other side.

  • You can rest in between the poses in the Downward Facing Dog posture.

Anatomical focus: The Side Plank Pose focuses on the thighs, buttocks, belly, shoulders, arms and wrists.

Health benefits: Here is how this posture benefits yoga practitioners –

  • The Side Plank Pose strengthens the legs, belly and arms.

  • The posture also stretches and strengthens the wrists.

  • It improves a sense of balance.

  • It stretches the back portion of the legs.

Cautions and contradictions:

  • This posture should be avoided by those with serious elbow, wrist and shoulder injuries.

Tips for beginners:

  • If you are new to this posture, it is advisable to first perform the Adho Mukha Svanasana with the heels on the wall -. your soles should be pressed to the wall. You can execute this pose by first measuring the distance between your left foot and left hand. Then place the foot halfway towards the hand. The left foot on the floor will lend support to the pose. Then turn your toes to the left.

Props and modifications: To increase the strength and stability, it might be useful to practice this posture with the soles of your feet pressed against the wall.

Preparatory postures: You can practice the following yoga postures to prepare your body for the Side Plank Pose.

  • Supta Virasana or the Reclining Hero Pose

  • Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclined Big Toe Pose

  • Prasarita Padottanasana or the Wide Legged Forward Bend

  • Plank Pose

  • Ardha Chandrasana or the Half Moon Pose

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward Facing Dog Pose

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