Chaturanga Dandasana or Four Limbed Staff Pose

Chaturanga Dandasana or the Four Limbed Staff Pose is an arm balance yoga exercise that is good for strengthening the abdomen, wrists, and arms. It also prepares the practitioner for other challenging arm balances. This arm strengthening exercise is a push-up sort of an exercise that can tone your arms. It also forms a part of the Sun Salutation exercise.

Step by step guide
: You must learn every yoga pose from an experienced yoga teacher, but for a general idea about how you the posture is performed, please take a look at our step by step instructions.

  • First you have to be in the Plank posture or the Adho Mukha Svansana. Then you can fold your arms straight back while hugging the upper part of the arms to your sides.

  • Move lower towards the floor, and stop when the upper arms and the forearms form a right angle.

  • Your body needs to be level while you are attempting this posture.

  • You have push your heels back.

  • Then as you roll over your toes, you can get into the Upward Facing dog position.

Tips for beginners: If you are new to yoga and are trying out this pose for the first time, you can drop the knees while doing the pose. Do this till you have gained enough strength and experience to support your body with your arms.

Advanced practitioners: If you are a yoga expert and have been doing this pose for a while, then you might like to hold the pose for a while before you move into the Up Dog position. You can even do the Chaturanga Dandasana by lifting your leg and keeping it that way for a short while.

Anatomical focus: This particular yoga pose focuses on the wrists.

Health benefits:
This yoga pose has the following benefits –

  • It is good for strengthening the wrists and the arms.

  • It is good for strengthening and toning the abdomen.


  • If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, then we suggest that you avoid this pose.

  • Pregnant women should also avoid doing this posture.

Partnering: You can even do this posture with a partner. With the help of a partner, you can anchor your pelvis as well as lengthen the spine. You can even use a blanket under your thighs to do the Chaturanga Dandasana.

Tip: We suggest that you do this pose with care and take your time to get used to it. Do not strain your body unnecessarily.

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