Hidradenitis Treatment: Skin Symptoms And Natural Remedies For Preventions

Skin Symptoms

Hidradenitis is a serious skin disease in which the hair follicles get infected and inflamed and certain sweat glands are blocked, which causes painful, pus-filled lesions to appear on the surface of the skin, leading to permanent scarring. This often affects the skin in the inner sides of the arms as well as the anal and genital area. The most common symptoms are the appearance of red, tender spots in the armpits and the groin, which may subsequently turn into abscesses and boils that are itchy and painful, and continue to recur periodically even if they disappear temporarily. This disease mostly affects women since it is caused by endocrinal disorders caused by androgens. Usually, more than one female member of the family suffers from this ailment. Some of the common factors that trigger this condition are smoking, the intake of contraceptive pills and a high level of lithium in the body. In severe cases, this disease may hamper normal movement and social interaction for the patient, and might have to be treated surgically.

Natural Remedies For Prevention

One of the most important ways of preventing this condition is to keep your skin clean and oil-free all the time. Use an antibacterial soap to wash your body, especially those that are prone to excessive sweating, in order to prevent the pores of the skin getting blocked. Applying an antibacterial talcum powder in these parts also helps absorb excess sweat and prevents dampness, thereby minimizing the chance of local infections. It also helps to stay away from cigarettes, alcohol and manufactured food items that contain artificial additives, as these might irritate sweat glands and cause inflammation. Washing the affected area with apple cider vinegar is also known to be useful in treating this condition, since it acts as a natural disinfectant. You may also add two tablespoons of baking soda in a tub of lukewarm bathwater and soak your entire body in this for at least 15 minutes every day. This helps soothe inflamed skin and washes away germs and dead skin cells from the lesions on the surface of the skin. Alternatively, you may also add some Epsom salts and a few drops of tea tree oil into your bathwater to get relief from the itching and pain on the skin. Consuming small portions of raw garlic and ginger before or during meals or using generous amounts of these as condiments in cooked food also helps treat hidradenitis, as these have natural antibiotic properties that defend the body against infections.

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