Delayed Periods

Effective Home Remedies For Delayed Periods

The menses generally follow a cycle of roughly 28 days, but sometimes women may suffer from irregular or delayed periods. This may lead to a prolonged period of pre-menstrual symptoms like heaviness in the lower abdomen, pain in the breasts, exhaustion and nausea till the period finally sets in. Irregular periods are indicative of some internal physical problem that requires professional medical treatment.

However, you may follow a few natural remedies to solve this problem. An effective remedy is to chew two raw cloves of garlic and 10-15 black peppers rolled into a fresh betel leaf on an empty stomach in the morning. You may drink a hot beverage like tea 10 minutes after consuming this mixture. Another popular remedy to regularize periods so that they begin according to schedule is to cut the roots of bitter gourd into small pieces, boil them in water for 10 minutes, strain the clear liquid extract and drink small portions of in the last week of the menstrual cycle. You may also boil the aerial roots of a banyan tree in water for 15 minutes and collect the liquid extract, mix it with a cup of lukewarm milk and drink this infusion at bedtime every night. This remedy should be followed for a few months to regularize the menstrual cycle. You may also consume a cup of grape juice every morning in order to make your periods follow a regular schedule. It also helps to boil the roots of figs in water and drink the filtered extract every day for a few weeks to make the periods regular. For another remedy, crush a green, unripe papaya to extract its juice and mix it with some aloe-sugar syrup, and drink two tablespoons of this mixture every day. This will make your periods regular. The juice of fresh parsley leaves is also known to be an effective cure for menstrual irregularities. A glass of this juice should be consumed every day at breakfast for a few weeks. You may also soak a handful of fennel seeds in a cup of water overnight and consume both the seeds and the water the next morning. Start following this remedy every day from a week after you have your period. Alternatively, you may also put to simmer a handful of fresh coriander leaves in a pot of hot water and drink the decoction after it cools down to room temperature.

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