How Can I Easily Get Rid Of My Acne Scars Without Clogging Up My Pores?

Acne is a common problem that mostly affects people in their teens and leaves behind ugly marks and scars on the face and the body. Squeezing the pimples with fingers makes the problem worse, as the extent and prominence of the scars depends directly on the amount of pressure applied on the acne. Touching the pimples with fingers also increases the chances of the spread of the infection through the dirt particles trapped in the nails, and thereby leads to further scarring.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Though getting rid of acne scars can be a long process, there are a few home remedies that you may find particularly beneficial to solve this problem. One of the most popular and effective natural remedies for treating acne scars is to make a fine paste by mixing two tablespoons of sandalwood powder with  some rose water. Apply this mixture on your skin, and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. This is an excellent way of removing dead skin cells from clogged skin pores and giving your skin a firmer, smoother appearance. You may mix some dried and powdered orange peel with half a cup of yogurt and massage this paste on your skin. This paste should be rinsed away gently with water 10-15 minutes after application. Follow this remedy twice or thrice a week in order to exfoliate your skin naturally and get a flawless, glowing complexion.

For another remedy, mix together one tablespoon each of sour cream, yogurt and oatmeal powder, and add to this mixture a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this paste on your skin, and rinse it off with water after 10 minutes. This smoothens out large pores on the surface of the skin and makes acne scars look less prominent. You may also freeze some cucumber juice into small ice cubes and rub the affected portions of the skin with these cubes for 5 minutes twice a day. This helps lighten marks left behind by acne and naturally tightens the skin. Another natural means of exfoliating the skin is to mix one tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of distilled water and gently massage the skin with this mixture. This unclogs the skin pores and makes acne scars fade away gradually. Following this treatment, you should use a little olive oil to massage your skin, as this restores to the skin its lost flexibility and helps give it an even tone.

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How to get rid of acne scars

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