How to Become Fair

Simple Remedies to Make Your Skin Fair

Having beautiful skin can be one of the hardest things to accomplish. Acne, rashes, dark spots, and redness can all ‘blemish’ the quality of the skin. Finding remedies that will work to make the skin fair again can be a daunting task.

The face is the first impression people have of us when we meet. When there are issues with our skin, our confidence in ourselves can diminish. We become self-conscious and begin to think that people can only see what is wrong with us and they cannot see the beautiful person that we are. So how can we achieve beautiful skin again?

First, knowing and understanding what caused the skin problems in the first place is essential in being able to figure out what may work. Next, is finding the remedy that will work for y our particular skin.

Here are a few remedies that can be tried:

  • Lemon juice can be dabbed on the affected area.

  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%) can be dabbed on the skin.

  • Tea bags can be moistened and applied to the skin for ten to fifteen minutes each day.

  • Tea tree oil is an antiseptic and can help heal the skin.

  • Witch hazel can help heal the skin.

  • Make a mixture of equal parts of turmeric powder and sandal wood powder. Mix with either water or rose water to make a paste and apply to your skin. This should be left on the skin until it dries, approximately twenty minutes. Rinse thoroughly.

  • Keep skin clean and moisturized.

  • Keep skin hydrated not only from the outside, but from the inside. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids.

  • Apply fresh Aloe Vera to the affected area.

  • Protect your skin with a good sunscreen.

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Sometimes skin problems can be caused from a lack of vitamins.

  • Some medications can cause problems with the skin. Check with your doctor to see if the medications that you are using can cause your skin problems and see if there are alternatives that you can use instead.

  • Exfoliate the skin. This can be accomplished with a sugar scrub made from either sugar and olive oil or sugar and honey (depending on if your skin is dry or oily).

Skin problems can be related to many things.  It can be caused from environmental, chemical, or nutritional factors. Once you figure out what is happening with your body, you can start using a remedy that may help your skin. Always make sure that you keep your skin hydrated inside and out.

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