How to Get Fair Skin

The natural complexion of the skin depends on the amount of melanin produced by the skin cells. Heredity plays a crucial role in determining one’s skin complexion. A healthy, nutritious diet, rich in natural sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals, also goes a long way in brining a natural glow to your skin. Also, make sure that you always apply sunscreen on your skin before stepping out into the sun, as the harsh ultraviolet radiation of the sun can damage the skin and make it look dark and dull.

Effective Home Remedies to Make Your Skin Fair

Besides these general measures, you may also follow a few specific home remedies to make your skin get naturally fairer. Rub your face gently with a thin slice of a fresh lemon or massage it with the juice squeezed out of a lemon twice everyday. The acidic juice of lemon has natural bleaching properties that help lighten your skin tone in a few months. For better results, you may add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to the lime juice and massage your face with this mixture. Another way of bleaching your skin naturally is to mash a raw potato and apply it all over your face every day. You should allow the potato mash to act on your skin for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with water. A paste made out of one teaspoon each of lemon juice, honey, almond oil, and milk powder can be used for application on the face. Leave it on for at least 15 minutes and then wash your face with water. This counters the darkening effect of a sun tan and makes your face glow naturally. You should also crush a handful of fresh mint leaves and apply this on your face every day. This remedy makes your complexion become lighter if it is followed on a daily basis. For another remedy, grind some dried orange peel to a fine powder and mix it with half a cup of homemade curd. Apply this mixture on your skin and wait for 20 minutes before washing it away with water. You may also make a paste by mixing two tablespoons of gram flour with some raw milk and a few drops of lime juice and use this as a face pack thrice a week. You should wash your face with lukewarm water 10-15 minutes after the application of this mixture. This will produce a significant improvement in your complexion in a few weeks.

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