Ingrown Hair Infection

How to Prevent and Treat Ingrown Hair

An ingrown hair can be caused by several things. It can be from shaving, a pimple, or countless other reasons. Whatever the reason, the result can be very painful. If not treated properly, it can become infected. This infection can lead to breakouts and rashes. It can be very painful. The infection can also spread and cause more problems.

Here are a few Do’s and Don’ts for ingrown hairs:

  • Don’t try to scrape the area with a razor or your finger nail. This can cause the infection to spread.

  • At night, apply a paste of clay and few drops of eucalyptus oil. Cover with a bandage.

  • Apply eucalyptus oil with a cotton ball.

  • Apply tea tree oil with a cotton ball.

  • Make a paste of equal parts turmeric powder and sandalwood powder mixed with a few drops of either water or rose water. Apply to the area.

  • Apply a hot compress to relieve swelling.

  • Use a sugar scrub to exfoliate the skin. Mix sugar with either olive oil or honey.

  • Mix one and half teaspoons of salt with one cup of warm water. Using a cotton ball, apply to skin.

  • Use a poultice of grated raw potato applied to the area and covered with a bandage. Let this set overnight to help draw out the infection.

  • Mix one teaspoon of honey with a half of teaspoon of water in a small bowl. Place this bowl in a larger bowl of hot water until the honey mixture softens. Crush three to four uncoated aspirins and mix into the honey mixture. Apply to the area. The aspirin will help with the pain and swelling and the honey is a natural antibiotic to help the area heal.

  • If the hair is not too deep, you can remove it with tweezers. Do not pick excessively at the area or it will cause the infection to spread.   

  • Ingrown hairs can be caused by the way in which you shave. If you pull the skin too much as you are shaving it will cause the hair follicle to become obstructed. This obstruction can lead to an infection.

  • Keep the area clean. Excessive oil and dirt can get into the hair follicle and cause an obstruction that will lead to an infection.

Taking care of your skin will help eliminate the chances of getting an infection. If an infection does occur, taking care of it immediately will help keep it from spreading. Sometimes, however, a home remedy may not work. This is especially true if the infection become widespread. In this case, you may need to seek medical help to get rid of the infection.

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