Nose Bleed Causes

Common Causes and Natural Remedies of Nose Bleeds

Nose bleeds can be referred to as the clots of blood that typically start in the front of the nasal septum or at the back of the nasal cavity. Nose bleeds are quite common in tropical regions of the world on account of immensely hot climatic conditions.

The primary causes of nosebleeds are as follows:

  • The major cause of nose bleeds can be attributed to dryness in the nostrils that further leads to crusty nose septum, which causes bleeding inside the nose.

  • Another major cause of nose bleeding is the constant picking of the nose, which may hurt the epithelial lining of the nostrils as well as the septum.

  • Another major but rare cause of nose bleeds is nasal cancer, which leads to frequent incidences of nose bleeding.

  • Some of the other common causes of nose bleeds are nasal infections, common cold, nasal congestion, allergies, nasal polyps, and also ageing.

  • Women are more prone to nose bleeds as compared to men. They may experience recurrence of nose bleeds in the menopause phase of their reproductive cycle.

  • There are certain medicines that cause the drying of the nasal septum and nostrils, leading to frequent nose bleeds.

  • Nasal bleeding may also be caused by systemic factors like hypertension, purpura, and leukemia.

  • Nose bleeds may also be attributed to chronic inflammatory factors like chronic sinusitis and rhinitis.

Nose bleeds can easily be cured by employing some natural remedies. In case of persistent oozing of blood from the nose, do consult a doctor. Some of the home remedies to cure nose bleeds are as follows:

  • In order to stop nose bleeds, you should firmly hold the nose from the septum for two minutes. This will immediately stop the nose bleed.

  • You can put a drop of lemon juice in each of your nostrils to relieve nose bleeds.

  • Soak some cotton in apple cider vinegar and put it in your nostrils. Apple cider vinegar protects your body from blood loss and helps in controlling and curing nose bleeds.

  • You can prepare tea using goldenseal and sniff the infusion to make it enter your nostrils. This is a proven remedy to cure nose bleeds.

  • You can prepare a mixture of red sandalwood and liquorice and mix it with a few drops of milk and consume it at least twice a day. This will help you relieve the dryness in the nostrils, thereby helping you cure nose bleeds.

How To Stop Nosebleeds With Home Treatment

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