Symptoms of Pneumonia

Common Symptoms and Treatments of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a chronic affliction of the respiratory tract. It is basically an inflammatory state of the lungs. The affliction is generally caused by the microbial infection of the alveoli, which are the minute bifurcations of the lungs.

The major symptoms of pneumonia are as follows:

• The primary symptom of pneumonia is a rapid pulse rate combined with painful and shallow breathing. You are prone to frequent chest pain and shortness of breath.

• Pneumonia patients suffer from persistent cough and cold. The phlegm of pneumonia patients is generally yellow or greenish in color.

• These symptoms are usually accompanied by very high fever and shaking chills.

• Patients may also suffer from acute chest pain which can lead to immense discomfort and irritability.

• Pneumonia causes loss of appetite and makes you feel enervated and fatigued.

• Other major symptoms of pneumonia are severe headache, vomiting, nausea, and wheezing.

• You may also see a change in the color of your lips and nails to blue in cases of acute pneumonia.

If you or someone you know exhibits the symptoms of pneumonia, you must seek prompt medical attention. In addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, there are a couple of home remedies that you can employ in the treatment of pneumonia:

• Fenugreek seeds are highly recommended to treat pneumonia. You can prepare a decoction of fenugreek seeds in water and consume it at least thrice a day to relieve pneumonia.

• You can also apply turpentine oil to cure pneumonia. Apply the oil over ribs and cover the area with a woolen bandage to relieve pneumonia.

• Prepare an infusion of sesame seeds in water and mix it with a pinch of salt, linseed, and honey. Consume this at least twice a day to clear your lungs of phlegm and catarrhal matter.

• Another effective remedy to cure pneumonia is the use of garlic. Apply a paste of garlic on your chest and it will help lower down the body temperature and also ameliorate the pulse rate.

• One of the best remedies to cure pneumonia is the intake of the juice of roots and leaves of parsnip. Parsnip juice is rich in chlorine and phosphorus content which improves the state of the lungs.

• You must consume spinach, beet, and cucumber juices to cure pneumonia.

• Fast on a diet of fresh fruit juices for a few days and then start consuming other foods. Patients of pneumonia must consume a balanced diet as it will supplement the enervated body with the essential nutrients to alleviate the infection.

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